Thing of the Week - Treasure Time!

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As part of the launch of 50 Things in Southwark, we are focusing on 1 of the 50 activities in this amazing app every week. Next is ‘Treasure Time!’

‘Treasure Time!’ is all about encouraging your baby to explore with the help of a simple treasure basket. Babies love to use their hands and mouth so fill your basket with things that are interesting and ‘safe’ to touch and dribble over! For toddlers, you could use a larger collection of natural materials such as tubes, old CDs and wooden kitchen utensils.

Top tips to support this activity include watching and waiting to see how your baby explores things before responding. Toddlers could also create their own collections.

For more information on this activity including how to do it, the benefits, top tips and resources, download the free 50 Things app from Google Play or the Apple Store.


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